Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thursday's Assignment

Make a photo today that features a hand in a creative way.

Yikes!  Look how muted this picture is.  The more pictures I took of my hand the more I realized that I am getting older.  Saggy skin, wrinkles, popping veins.  I am beginning to look more and more like my mom, whom I adored dearly.  Her hands were not her best feature, but to be honest, her skin was super sensitive to dish detergent.  No matter what she did they always looked "weathered."  I wanted to get a close-up of my fingers as I am suffering horribly from split skin near my nails.  Couldn't figure out a way to hold my camera to get close enough.  Unfortunately, I was too lazy to get out my tripod so that didn't work.  Ended up throwing in a glove which I've been wearing at night.  It's the only way I can lather on hand cream in the hopes that my skin will be healed by the morning.  I can only hope....  Anyhow, this photo really shows that I don't know what I'm doing when it comes to photography.  When I posted it yesterday my skin was yellow, the table was yellow, the cast from the light was yellow.  I thought I had changed the lighting in photoshop but when I uploaded the photo to this site I see that it's as yellow as ever.  I decided to go back today and try to lighten it but now I have less color- should just do black and white!  Maybe I should just take a hundred photos, changing the shutter speed ever so slightly.  Perhaps then I can find ONE useable picture.

Shot with P today.

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