Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wednesday's Assignment

What's your favorite type of music?  Make a photo today that in some way conveys your taste in music.

For whatever reason my parents never bought me the piano that I so desperately wanted.  Finally, during my 30's I bought my very own- maybe it meant more to me then because I was able to purchase it with my very own money.  Or perhaps my parents knew how fleeting these desires are.  So for ten years or so I played it religiously- teaching myself and then relying on instructions from a friend who also taught piano.  The music brought me so much pleasure that I thought I was in heaven.  Then along came the invention of the computer and my interests suddenly changed from piano to computer.  There is so little time in a day to devote to either one of these items that I opted to become computer literate and the piano was pushed to the side collecting dust (guess my parents were right).  I have good intentions on playing once again.  It's just one of those many things that I hope to resume once retirement comes my way.

Shot with automatic setting

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