Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thursday's Assignment

Striped patterns have a natural pattern that catches the eye.  Find some stripes today and make a photo.

Today, I had a discussion at work about the photo-a-day assignment.  I was thinking about what I might have at home that would constitute stripes, and at first I couldn't think of anything.  My co-worker's take on the photo-a-day is more creative and less literate- like how I could put a row of different colored rulers together and photograph those as stripes. I am not quite as creative nor do I have the time- I would rather look at objects differently and photograph them according to the topic of the day.  For instance, this cookie jar.  I've never thought of it as white and black stripes.  To me it was just an Oreo cookie jar.  But then when I was looking around the house I remembered this jar.... and discovered it works.

And so does this picture....

I will never look at the deck fencing and cookie jar the same.

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