Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday's Assignment

Backgrounds are tricky.  They can make a subject stand out or distract from it.  Todays' assignment is to take a photo with a good background.

You'd think I'd be embarrassed of this picture.  I am.  You think I'd never want to show this room off to anyone.  I don't.  But I couldn't find anything with a better background picture.  This background is excess stuff.  This room belongs on hoarder's anonymous.  DH says he's working on cleaning up the room.  I'm sure he is but it's taking a long time.  But I must say the background distracts from the subject so I guess I've done my job.

Used manual settings today.  I've discovered if I do automatic first then I can look at those settings and apply it to manual.  Because the room is dark I had to set the shutter speed to 1/60.  And used a flash.  And set the white balance to auto- actually I had set the white balance to incandescent but the flash must override.

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