Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday's Assignment

Make a photograph with a soft look today.

Not much to add here.  Tried to get the dog's face in the picture as he thinks anything that's soft and cuddly is fair game.  Lost count of how many Beanie Babies he's licked to death.  The little bunny in the photo was destined for the same before I pried it from Jax's mouth.  Wanted to add what technical aspects I used when shooting the photo but as soon as the pictures were uploaded they were immediately deleted from my camera.  Had an opportunity to shoot a hawk after I took this picture so I switched the dial to auto.  Didn't want to have to fool around with anything.  But as soon as I went outside the hawk took off.

According to iPhoto my iso is 200, shutter speed was 1/60, and aperture was f/4.5.  Does that mean it was set at automatic?  The last time I make any selection was yesterday when I was shooting outside.  Hmmmm...

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