Emma and grandpa, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Up to today the baby hasn't been interacting with us too much. She is just beginning to turn her head when she hears a noise and grasp something within her reach. Of course she's babbling and smiling a lot. But when dh got down on the floor to "play" with her she reached out to touch his face. It must have been the hairy beard that got her attention. Seemed funny to see him actually on the floor talking to the baby. Our first granddaughter was not too fond of men so grandpa was not on her favorites list. But then when the next grandchildren came along they didn't have a grandpa fear so he was better able to interact with them while they were small. Of course this one may get the "men and loud voices" fear as she gets a little older, but I am hoping we are around her enough to thwart that.